Metro City on Corrius Prime is the HUB of Redline races and is always included in all of the IGRA Redline X cups to date. ‘Sand Ocean’ on a rather obscure planet named Othros IV that has become more popular due to Redline races. Solely speaking for the IGRA, there are many areas throughout the galaxy that the IGRA has staked their claim and have had clearance to build racetracks, this includes the ‘Lightning Zone’ in the outskirts of Metro City, a popular attraction for the upper and lower denizens. However, some illegal and criminal organizations have started up their own large sphere of illegal Redline racing where their machines exceed the ‘safety’ limit set by the IGRA, the most prominent Illegal Redline organization is The Underworld, where it draws many crowds to it’s venues due to it’s high action and high damage courses.

As demonstrated by the IGRA (InterGalactic Racing Association and the biggest and most popular host of Redline races) And other high profile committees. Though there was a long period where it was banned, Redline in itself is not an illegal sport professionally. Less cumbersome than Pod Racers, yet larger than Swoop Bikes, Redline Machines are even faster than both other racers and as such the races are far more chaotic and hectic. However instead of racing Podracers and Swoop Bikes, the contestants utilize custom made landspeeders that are specifically built for racing. Redline is a type of speeder sport not too dissimilar to swoop racing or pod racing.